The World's Fastest Indian / Самый быстрый Индиан (2005)
How many times have we watched older people and said that we will never be like that. Does old age have to be afraid? Unless you only need to avoid boredom and helplessness, but these two illnesses can overtake even at a young age. The character of Anthony Hopkins is young at heart, he is engaged in favorite things and never stands in one place. Above all praise is acting, here in one guise you will see an old man with the usual diseases for this age and a young guy infected with reckless ideas. After viewing this film, we are sure you will be greatly impressed long after watching it! The story of the film tells of a New Zealander named Burt Munro. He spent many years improving and modifying his 1920 Indian Scout motorcycle. On this device, Burt was able to realize his cherished dream. Burt managed to set several world speed records in one of the regular races that took place in the Bonneville Flats salt desert.