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Фильмы на Английском
War for the Planet of the Apes / Планета обезьян: Война (2017)

War for the Planet of the Apes / Планета обезьян: Война (2017)

Добавлено: 31-03-2019, 00:43
22 953
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Once Caesar was an experimental monkey and as a result of experiments began to show amazing results in development. He was in mortal danger, but a young scientist saved his life. Over time, he not only learned to talk, but also gained a mind that helps him make thoughtful decisions. Becoming a true leader of his relatives, Caesar is trying to do everything possible to prevent war with people for the complete domination of our planet. However, all that he was so afraid of became a reality, and our world was on the brink of a brutal war. The delicate balance can be broken at any time, it remains only to wait, who will attack first?..

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