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Фильмы на Английском
Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter / Обитель зла 6: Последняя глава (2016)

Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter / Обитель зла 6: Последняя глава (2016)

Добавлено: 26-12-2018, 22:26
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The apocalypse became even closer after Wesker betrayed Alice in Washington. Now she has to return to the city of Raccoon City, where it all began and where the Umbrella Corporation is preparing for the final attack of those who still managed to survive. Alice is armed to the teeth and joins forces with friends and those whom she simply did not expect to see in the role of allies. Now they have to confront the army of zombies and new mutants, with whom they have never encountered. Being on the verge of losing his abilities, Alice is preparing for the inevitable attack of the corporation. However, in this battle she will face new, more difficult problems. Can she defeat the enemy and save humanity?..

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