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Фильмы на Английском
The Mandalorian (season 1) / Мандалорец (1 сезон) (2019)

The Mandalorian (season 1) / Мандалорец (1 сезон) (2019)

Добавлено: 7-01-2020, 12:41
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The series is a spin-off of Star Wars. The plot focuses on a professional mercenary who is a representative of a race of noble warriors. He lives in the very wilderness of the Galaxy, where the echoes of military events barely reach. He is forced to live among the dregs of society and to independently establish order around himself, since here no one obeys the laws. More than once danger will threaten his life, but he is always ready to go to the end and overcome any difficulties. What adventures await him ahead and what enemies will he face? Will he alone be able to confront this ruthless world in which everyone is for himself ?..

Season 1, Episode 1

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