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Фильмы на Английском
Island of Lemurs : Madagascar / Остров Лемуров : Мадагаскар  (2014)

Island of Lemurs : Madagascar / Остров Лемуров : Мадагаскар (2014)

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Добавлено: 8-03-2016, 19:49
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This documentary is unique, it is dedicated to the animals that live only in Madagascar - lemurs. The first of them will talk with such tenderness and love, because the main character of the film - Patricia Wright. She devoted her life to studying these animals. Thanks to the efforts and tenacity of the woman at the park was equipped a huge National Park, which are hundreds of species of lemurs. The main purpose of this object is to preserve the natural habitat of rare animals and birds, many of which have long been listed as endangered. Patricia first who began the study of these cute little animals, she found dozens of rare species of lemurs and created ideal conditions for their existence. Very nice documentary with elements of adventure, he describes the life and habitat of the most cute animals - lemurs. Madagascar - very colorful and vibrant island that is remembered for its scenery and abundance of rare animals. This reel will be fun to watch for both adults and children, because there are so many beautiful and touching moments.


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