Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines / Терминатор 3: Восстание машин (2003)
The film takes place ten years later. The day of judgment did not come after the explosion of Cyberdyne Systems. But the boy John Connor grew up and continues to feel danger and he has to lead a basement life. He does not yet know that Skynet launched a dangerous virus into the depths of the Internet in order to destroy mankind. There is a new terminator named Terminatrix (T-X) with the appearance of a girl. This robot, by the order of Skynet, kills all John's companions. Soon the guy will find out about what is happening and about the imminent nuclear war. Together with the terminator, Kate and John try to prevent a catastrophe, but all is unsuccessful. The military panics and connect to their management Skynet, after which they all die. Having learned the place of finding the secret base, the trio goes to save all life on earth ...