Rocky 3 / Рокки 3 (1982)
In 1982, Sylvester Stallone takes the third part gave him the reputation of the film. The film was shot under the influence of the 80-ies, a turning point in the history of cinema. Stallone once again surprised everyone with their talents. He managed to shoot the third part of the picture about single boxer. But he never lowered the bar. The script was designed to the last detail. The storyline surprises with its elegance. A General statement is made at such a high level that would be envied by many eminent Directors.
The plot of the film - Rocky, finally became world champion after winning a crushing victory over Apollo Creed. Balboa is enjoying life, basking in the glory. After winning the title Rocky easily spent a few defenses of the title. His fees are rising the fight of the fight. But the desire to train less and less. Balboa lost its speed and power. Plus even old injuries start to bother. Too many of the beats he missed on the head in previous battles. Comes the payoff for success. Young and hurricane boxer Clubber sends the legend down and out. The whole environment turns away from the fallen star. One and only Apollo Creed comes to the aid of the other.