The story of the film tells the story of the boy named Henry, who always dreamed of being a gangster, drive expensive cars, wear costumes and enjoy dorogushchie respected. To at least a little closer to the dream guy six starts at one of the local mafia. As time goes by, the guy is growing and its position is slowly but steadily growing along with it. Now, he was entrusted a responsible and privileged setting that Henry performs with great pleasure. Over time, the local authority says Henry Paul, who introduces a talented guy with a thief and a thug named Jimmy. And Jimmy, in turn, introduces a Man with his protégé. It seemed almost a dream come true for a Man, now he twisted among large and influential gangsters and nothing no signs of trouble. But then the guy catches the police and put in jail for the illegal sale of cigarettes. But Henry did not surrender his accomplices, as it has for the greatest respect ...